
  masterMind is part of the ground-breaking Mind series, a general English course for adults that targets their language needs and provides them with the professional, academic, and personal skills they need for success in the 21st century. The key features of the series are:

  ‧Life Skills: Higher-order skills such as critical thinking, organizational, and learning skills that students need in order to be successful in their professional , academic, and everyday lives.

  ‧Language sub-skills with tips to support the development of the four language skills.

  ‧Step-by-step approach to grammar with grammar sections that provide a clear focus on the meaning, form, and function of the language.

  ‧Focus on functional language that helps learners improve their fluency and speaking skills.

  ‧Independent learning features throughout the course such as Notice!, Reflect and How are you doing? boxes that encourage learners to analyze their own progress.

  ‧A Range of Video material and related worksheets that support the themes and key language from the Student's Book.

  Student's Components
  ‧Student's Book Pack: Print Student's Book; webcode access to Student's Resource Center
  ‧Student's Book Premium Pack: Print Student's Book; webcode access to Student's Resource Center and Online Workbook
  ‧Workbook Pack: Print Workbook (available with or without key)
  ‧Online Workbook: Webcode access to the Online Workbook

  Teacher's Components
  ‧Teacher's Book Premium Pack: Print Teacher's Book; Class Audio CD; DVD with video; webcode access to Teacher's Resource Center, Online Workbook, and Presentation Kit

  Resource Centers
  ‧Student's Resource Center: Class Audio MP3s; Video; Downloadable self-study video worksheets; Downloadable wordlists; and more...!
  ‧Teacher's Resource Center: includes everything from the Student's Resource Center, plus: Downloadable class video worksheets; Extra lifeSkills lesson plans; Unit, Mid-course, End-of course, and Placement tests


  • ISBN:9780230485242
  • 規格:平裝 / 175頁 / 21 x 29.6 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 2版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 語文:中英對照
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我們都知道,雖然論銷量,魅族是絕對屬於小眾手機的,但依然還是有不少用戶對魅族今年的新旗艦魅族17期待萬分,主要原因小智也講過多次,那就是魅族手機老大黃章是目前手機圈少有的對外觀設計精益求精,出其不意的人了,之前魅族手機的外觀都沒有一味跟風市場。 那麼在當下這個手機外觀同質化愈發嚴重的市場,魅族17會在外觀設計上給我們帶來什麼驚喜呢?這段時間也不乏魅族17的各種渲染圖曝光,但基本都是曝光正面的。魅族17的正面 ... 也不能免俗,同樣採用了挖孔屏設計。只不過魅族選擇了市場上最漂亮,最優雅的那個來跟風,就是三星S20。魅族17的渲染圖看起來就像是三星S20的直屏版,挖孔沒有和其它友商一樣放在左右兩邊,而是放在中間的位置。所以魅族17的正面顏值小智個人覺得還是挺高的。 但魅族17的背面會如何設計呢?相比正面渲染圖的曝光,魅族17的背面渲染圖幾乎沒有曝光,只不過有傳聞稱魅族17會採用類似諾基亞和華為Mate30那樣的圓形奧利奧設計方式。 ... 但就在今天,有數碼大V放出了一張全新的魅族17背面設計渲染圖,這張魅族17的背面渲染圖和以往的傳聞都完全不同。其巧妙的把三個鏡頭和兩個閃光燈排列組合成數字「17」的樣式。算是直接呼應了魅族17的名字。說實在話,小智第一時間看到這個魅族17背面設計圖 我腦子一下子是沒反應過來也是不相信的,但仔細想想,黃章這些年不按套路出的牌還少嗎?如果說小米華為不會出這種背面設計,放到魅族身上還真是有較大的可能性! ... 只不過大家覺得這個設計好看嗎?小智覺得設計精妙和含義豐富,但卻和好看搭不上邊,至少不太協調,和傳統的對稱美學相悖。但想想iPhone這些年攝像頭的排列設計,還有劉海屏的問世後慢慢的看習慣了,魅族17或許能夠憑藉這有趣的造型吸引一些用戶? 對了,你見過美女機器人嗎?小智微信公眾號:(機智玩機機)就養了個可愛的美女機器人,你關注後可以和她語音聊天打鬧,逗你開心。










壹讀 https://read01.com/azGRaD7.html

博客來 https://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/888words/products/0010689033




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